Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shift Over


Hello everyone! 2 days in a row without a post, my bad! I fell asleep as soon as I got home yesterday- I've had the busiest few days. I spent Thursday in Bristol getting stock and we had a horrendous trip to IKEA. Never again, I swear. And yesterday I had to get up at 6 to be down at the shop early to meet someone about the window which we're having to get replaced :( and then I met Robyn who came down to Bath to interview me, it was fun trying on shop stuff for her and answering her lovely questions, more on that later though!

Today me and my Mum went to a local designer clothes sale for a browse. A lady made a remark when I was looking at some handbags, something like 'much nicer than a basket' so I just walked away and didn't buy her stupid bags. And then I had my first driving lesson on the main road which was both scary and fun! Driving seriously zaps my energy though! I'm off to London tomorrow for an early morning Brick Lane mooch followed by stock-hunt and will be meeting up with my lovely brother.

Thank you for all your amazing support this past week! Last time I checked I was still popping up on the Up and Coming List, so thanks a billion everyone! It was the highlight of the blogging week and the perfect way to start March! I've got some cracking ideas in the pipeline to give the blog a bit of a face-lift!



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