Friday, February 25, 2011

whiter shade of pale


I love shoes that go with everything and are comfortable, if you've been reading my blog for a while I'm sure you'll have noticed I have a few pairs I wear all the time. Cue white plimsolls. I had a pair last Summer I wore for so long that one day my Mum took them off my feet while we were out and chucked them into the nearest rubbish bin - I had to spend the rest of the day barefoot. I didn't really mind, as being barefoot is the best and white plimsolls are just about the cheapest shoe ever! I always take the laces out because I'm too lazy to tie them. Anyway, I bought a new pair this week and you'll inevitably be seeing them a lot in the coming Spring. This is another floral dress of the kind I love, it's an old M&S one with almost bodice like features at the sides with pretty ties. I feel so comfortable in dresses like this. And here is a new basket I was given, it's nice as my other one can feel a bit big sometimes.

I had a driving lesson today, fitted in amongst various shop bits and bobs and I'm looking forward to a nice lie in tomorrow before heading down to the shop to oversee the workmen and stuff! It's safe to say I'm feeling a little stretched at the moment, there is so much to juggle about!

I hope you all have amazing weekends, I've got some exciting things coming up for you and I will reply to emails tomorrow! Sorry! Life. Too. Hectic! Thank you for all your kind words again.


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