Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Flower Girl meets The BBC


Okay guys, so I've been itching to share something with you for a while now, and I've finally been given the nod to let you in on something special...

A while ago a TV production company who make programmes for the BBC (that's the UK's biggest TV channel for those of you from abroad) got in touch with me. Their most recent programme was a documentary about 3 young sisters who run a railway and teach people to drive steam trains. It went down well and they decided they'd like to make further episodes featuring different young business people. On the lookout for their next candidate, by some stroke of luck, they stumbled onto my blog and became interested in my project! Being only 17 and setting up my own clothes shop they thought I'd be perfect for Part 2 of their series and asked if I'd like to be involved! They have been following me around with a huge broadcasting camera over the past couple of weeks as the shop begins to take form and will continue doing so until I am open and running! It's only being treated as a Pilot right now, but it's still very exciting to be involved with and I hope to be able to share clips, pictures and snippets of interview with you in the coming months!

My Mum managed to take some pictures the other morning when we were filming, I'm actually very comfy talking to camera but it was freezing that day so I look a bit awkward! It's not really as glamorous as it sounds - it's not like a whole crew of people turn up, but what an amazing experience it's proving to be! The camera man and sound recordist are both lovely and the whole thing has added another exciting layer to the business. We filmed some more early this morning as the chandeliers and rails were put up, and then I nipped out to get yet more building supplies!

It just goes to show how far a blog can reach and the opportunities it can deliver. I want to say a huge thank you to all of you out there all over the world who have been following and leaving me beautiful comments. Sharing my adventures into business with you all is amazing and I hope to continue sharing my journey with you. For yet more updates and to simply show the love check me out here:

Follow The Flower Girl

Also a big thank you to the beautiful Nettie who interviewed me for her blog! Check it out at: Clothes, Hair and Coffee