Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Flower Girl's first, is it called a Vlog? It is now.


Hi everyone! A different kind of post today - I hope it works! I said to you all ages ago that I'd share a few of my favourite shop pieces with you, and after taking far too many pictures, I decided a video was the better way to go. Now bear in mind I've never made one before, so it's about as basic as any video can be! I hope you enjoy it. Sorry if I ramble on a bit, and my hair looked a state that day, but anyway that's life! Did you know a camera adds an entire stone of weight to a body? Bear that in mind too :).

The outfit I have on in the pictures is far more 'me' than anything I wore for the video, in fact I've posted that dress before, but it's a favourite and can't see the point in just getting changed into a different outfit for the sake of a post, that doesn't seem very fair on you guys. It is after all a daily style blog, and who doesn't re-wear things?! 

We had my Great-Grandma over for Sunday Lunch today and I spent a tedious 30 minutes trying to explain the concept of a blog to her. I'm not sure she even understands what an e-mail is, so I may have been wasting my time! But we had a lovely afternoon and I spent the entire morning curled up with Elle and a mocha in bed. Puuurfect!

 I can't wait to see what the week will hold. By Tuesday I will most probably have my first shop! I'll keep you posted! Have wonderful, exciting weeks everyone, thank you for all your kind words. Seize every opportunity!

Love Becky-May,

P.S You only have until Midnight tomorrow to enter my Giveaway! ENTER HERE! 

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