Blake Mycoskie is a truly inspirational guy
I thought i would share these videos with you
For those of you who don't know much about Blake or TOMs shoes then the first video is for you
The second is a really interesting interview he did with Bill Clinton
And the third is just a reminder of what a wonderful company TOMs is
(and genuinely how pretty the shoes are too)
Blake is one of my inspirations
and i always try and keep up to date with the company's goings on
What he has achieved and the way in which he is changing peoples lives never fails to inspire me
I really hope your are as moved by these videos as i was.
Oh and if you are really stuck on what to get someone for Christmas or need to pick up that last minute gift
P.S Remember and send me your awesome stories/pictures/videos/overheard loveliness on the bus, seriously it can be anything as long as it's put a smile on your face, for next weeks Show and Tell Sunday