Sunday, September 19, 2010

Red Gladiators-thats what its about

Hello people!
At the very onset, I'm extremely apologetic about not having updated my blog for the last couple of days. I have been debating at a national tournament, day in and day out. Needless to say, I miss blogging and all that I do with it :)Its my first attempt at an outfit post, unlike most my international blogging friends and I would really like some feedback on this. This picture is from Friday when I went dancing with my girlfriends to a club and it was INSANE to say the least! This was my entire look and I loved it :D As my tradition goes, I shall begin with my classic shoe shot where I'm wearing red, velvet gladiator heels and LOVING sporting that look. Check it out :)
My favourite red heels:)

This is a picture of me trying to click a picture of my reflection in the mirror. I like the way its come out. I teamed up a low back grey tunic with black translucent tights, thin high-rise red belt, red clutch, red gladiator heels and a big golden satin bow with rhinestones on the head. Also notice, my new rose earrings:)
Tell me what you think :)
I kind of like the shot :)

So I'm  fond of quirky pictures, don't judge me :D
With this I shall take your leave, get my beauty sleep. Another big day at the debate tournament tomorrow. Wish me luck and tell me how you like my post :)
Goodnight all you beautiful people all across the galaxy :)