Friday, July 30, 2010


(everything thrifted from head to toe)
vintage B&W stripe silk blouse, vintage buttery leather hot pants, vintage patent leather circle belt, old F21 B&W platform wedges, black straw boater hat, oversized specs, vintage spectacles necklace and Buffalo Exchange rings
 It's a no-brainer that I LOOOOOOVE my legs and butt! I like to spend most of my time half naked. It fucking hot in Texas!! So when I found leather hot pants, I thought the world had come to an end! I love the sneak peek high siding, like "Is that her ass?" or "Is that a butt cheek?" Since I'm wearing leather hoe shorts I thought I'd class it up with a nice blouse! It's simple B&W but I love the detailing of the buttons and sailor collar. And it has the PERFECT slouch too! So I thought "why not OD on B&W??" and added my old F21 wedges. Nothing goes with B&W like vintage Chanel so I bust out my homie Double C's! Hat me. DONE!
I was on Nasty GAL's blog and I'm obsessed with their Vintage Musing! So all day yesterday I was just looking through my stuff and online for who are my favorites. I have 20 but I displayed my Top 2, Twiggy and Peggy Moffitt! Same era, same haircut but 2 totally different ICONS! When I was little this is who I wanted to be. A mod girl on a Vespa/model, lol! I love beauty plus over the top clothes! So these 2 ladies have alot to do with the start of my VINTAGE CRAZINESS!! What are some of your favorite style icons??
Before I go one of my blogger buddies, Chomy, left the sweetest comment on my last post! That is so true about me. I really feel like I have split personalities from all eras when I'm getting dress! So it hard to clarify or put me in a certain catergory. I have tattoos so people think I'm goth but I'm wearing a rainbow dress, LOL!! So it's nice to know other people get it, SUCCESS!!