Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wonders of the Universe

Exciting news, people. That's Not My Age met Professor Brian Cox yesterday and managed not to gush, stutter or drool. The winner of the 2010 Style Begins at Forty Award (SBAFtas) for science, back with a new series tomorrow night, was signing copies of his latest book at Waterstones, Gower Street. So, on my way to a lunch meeting, I decided to get there early and form an orderly queue. Once in store though, I was greeted by a jolly nice bunch of quantum physics students - who'd come straight from a seminar at UCL round the corner and wanted PBC to sign their lecture notes, a gaggle of science geeks (including a man who'd met Brian May and Patrick Moore and had photos on his iPhone to prove it) and a sprinkling of giddy, star-stuck women of a certain age, a couple of lovely ladies who'd travelled all the way from Durham to see the pop star professor. Here's Mr TNMA's book with my very special dedication...

What I really admire about PBC is his infectious enthusiasm. He takes a complex subject and whoops it up. Dedicating his life to 'understanding the universe,' Professor Brian Cox is genuinely excited by the laws of physics - and the women of a certain age in the queue were genuinely excited to meet him. This is Alison from Durham who has written to The Sunday Times Culture magazine four times asking why we don't see more of Professor Brian Cox on television - and had her letters published! Alison from Durham had a copy of an old Dare album and a birthday card for PBC, who was 43 this week:

Yes, Professor Brian with a mullet. Who apart from his most avid fan knew? That's PBC second from the right:

So, I had less than a nanosecond with the rock star scientist and quickly asked how he felt about reaching the age of 43? 'Oh I didn't notice it,' came the reply, 'It's best not to.' This man can make even the ageing process seem attractive. That's Not My Age left the building feeling like Michelle Obama on Read Across America Day...

Oh and it's World Book Night, tonight. Nothing to do with Professor Brian Cox or the universe but there are a million books being given away, read all about it here