Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Breakfast At Browns


This Bloglovin thing has really been such a boost to my blogging spirits! I think I'm on both lists now, so all I can say is thank you! I would love if you checked out my giveaway at this exciting time :) xxx

It's my Mum's birthday today, so to celebrate we took her for breakfast at Browns on Sunday morning. It was delicious, I seriously love that restaurant! Afterwards we took her to some of her favourite stores and she picked out a few gifts! (We're all completely useless in my family when it comes to buying surprise presents!) In pictures from top: me enjoying my first of multiple coffees, eggs benedict, restaurant, strawberry on the best toast in this world, me and Mum, a spring bouquet of birthday flowers from the loveliest florist who still wraps everything in brown paper, most amazing card ever from my brother to my Mum (I've always loved his spectacular card choosing).

Happy Birthday Mum!

Lots of love guys!

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Check out my 3 winner giveaway below!
