Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Blogger of the month - Diary of a Young Designer

Ok well I found this lovely blog one year ago and I fell in love with it! Sophie writes about her life, music and of course fashion. She has her own headband line at etsy.com. Her designs are amazing! I absolutely love her headbands and I'd probably buy some, but the shipping costs & fees are to high here in Austria!
Well here's the interview & some pictures of her designs.

1. Where do you live?
I live in the sunny island of Puerto Rico (it's one of the US Protectorates).

2. Do you work/study/... ?
I work at an English School and Study Music/Design.

3. What's your personal life motto?
"Be unique, be the best you can and do the best you can". Also Albert Einstein's "Imagination is more important than knowledge" quote is a strong drive.

4. Your favourite book?
My all time fave book is Agatha Christie's "Appointment with Death".

5. Your favourite band/musician/..?
My gosh I've got a few billion! But the musician that most inspires me is Yanni. Yes, he's an amazing pianist and composer.

6. The "soundtrack of your life" [at the moment] ?
I'd say Glee's/FunnyGirl's Don't rain on my parade is the song of my life right now.

7. Why did you start your blog [and when]?
I started to blog because I just wanted someone to share fashion with. I'm usually surrounded by guys that have no interest in fashion whatsoever, so it was to vent a little. Oh, and I started Dec. 22, 2008.

8. Do you think that your blog will help you in your further career?
Of course! You meet people with similar interests and you never
 know how people will find you as a designer.

9. How did you choose your blog title?
Well I always had a "diary" where I wrote/drew all my designs so I thought,
Diary of a Young Designer would be the best title.

10. How do you take your pictures?
Usually I take my pics with my Canon Rebel Tsi or my 1979 Praktica 35mm film cam
with tripod or just me holding it. =)

11. Your favourite blogs?
oh! Garance Dore's blog is just lovely, and I adore Miss Pandora too.

12. What does fashion mean to you?
Identity, art, Personality, life. Fashion is a way of life, it's the expression of the soul through fabrics. =)

13. Do you think that a lot of people
are often too superficial? [cause I think that the world's getting too superficial]
Girl I'm with you with this one. People are sometimes just too involved in themselves and just the trivial issues of life and forget about making a difference in people's lives and living every day as if it were our last.

14. Which city is the most fashionable city?
Umm, I'd have to say Paris is like a walking runway!

15. What's your personal "To Do List" for the next years/your further life?
 I actually want to start a real millinery line, travel the world for materials, tour the world making music and sharing my designs, and just enjoy life and live happily ever after.

16. Your personal key pieces ?
Well everyone believes I belong in a 12 step program because I'm addicted to vests and berets, lol. They are pretty much my key pieces when dressing. =)

17. Do you agree with all the "trends" or are there some things that you would never ever wear? 
I don't really follow trends, I wear what I believe makes me feel whole at the moment. Now, something I would never wear is cropped jeans.

18. What's your favourite piece of clothing?
I adore black vests for some reason, lol!

19. Your favourite brands/shops?

20. Do you think that there are a lot of clothing differences between Europe & America?
Oh my gosh yes! I'd say in America fashion is what can be sold and worn, Europe is more "this piece is art and it speaks to me". In conclusion, America's fashion is just too commercialized and too closed to expression, unlike Europe's market. =)

I hope you liked the interview :)
Go & visit her blog :))