Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Show and Tell..

So for this week's Show and Tell I thought i would finally get round to doing something I have been meaning to for a while.  Thanking all the lovely bloggers who have given me blog awards and Tags over the past few months.  I appreciate them all sooo much and I am so happy that you like my blog enough to pass them on to me!
So ....Because they all tell you to do different things I thought i would just tell you a random fact about myself I know most of them ask for about 7 but honestly, I struggled to think of one...
Well here goes...

1.  Liza Minnelli was at my prom...No seriously she was... Kinda.  At my High School we had a end of year 'Social' which was basically a poor man's version of a prom.  We had ours in a big hotel in the city centre.  The hotel's front door also happened to be directly (And i mean,like two steps away from) the backdoor of one of the city's biggest concert venues.  Half way through the night me and one of my friends was at the bar, getting everyone drinks when we heard the bartenders talking about who was next door playing a concert.  As soon as we heard the words Liza, me and my friend ran outside to the venue.  You see we are both fan's of the 'legends' Dolly,Streisand, Ms Midler, anyone who is remotely camp, glittery and ridiculously over the top we appreciate very much so.  So hearing that one of them was a couple of feet away we were excited to say the least. Basically to cut a long story short, after befriending Liza's band (they were all well into their 60's, just call us Penny Lane,Ha) we waited with about a crowd of ten to see the women herself emerge, not before my Friend lead the fellow Liza fan's in a rousing rendition of one of her greatest hits.  Did i mention my Friend may or may not have been under the influence. Anyway when Liza finally emerged to mine and my Friends calls of 'We love you Liza' and 'Go Liza, Go Liza' (we got a little caught up in the moment) she briefly said hello to us waved and moved on to the next person.  Before she made it into her car my friend turned and went 'Your mother is a pure Legend Liza' (said in a strong Scottish accent) before a small burst of Somewhere over the rainbow, And with that Liza gave us a very dirty stare and promptly went into her waiting car.  My friend then turned to me and asked 'Was it something I said...' It was my best celebrity sighting yet!