Tuesday, February 22, 2011

*Guest Post* Hipster Bitch has arrived Y'all...

Dudes and Dudette's the day has come for the first ever Guest post on Is This Real Life?
I want to welcome Hipster Bitch
A mystery man with an epic taste for good music
His ability to find the next best thing is his modus operandi, so I decided that it was only fair that he share his top picks with all you lovely people too.
Without further ado I will let H.B take over..
Let me know what you think?
Here is his Mixtape...
Emma x


A big hello to all the natty fashionista visitors of my friend’s exquisite blog.

So, I have been invited by Is This Real Life to share with you a few new tunes that have been getting heavy rotation on my player recently.

I have prepared a wee mix-tape below featuring new indie/folk/pop goodness. I hope that some of you at least, will find something here that will have your head nodding, your foot tapping, or your lighters swaying in the air.

Walk The Moon - Anna Sun

Take an instant happy pill and turn the volume high for an insistently catchy indie-pop song that will take over your brain, and probably the world, once word of mouth does its thing. If this doesn't make you smile like a fool, then you're stronger willed than me!
Listen Here

Bear Bones - Oil & Lacquer

Scotland is going through a purple patch of late, with great lyrical bands releasing brilliant new albums at every turn. Check out this tune for a smiley, head-swaying slice of whimsy.
Listen Here

Hold Your Horses! – 70 Million

This tune has started to get some heavy Youtube viewing numbers. And you can see why – a beat and guitar-driven, gravel-voiced song that makes you want to dance around the computer. And it’s all wrapped up in a culturally inspired video. Try and name all the paintings, if you can. Oh, and they’re French wouldn’t you know.
Listen Here

I Am Kloot - Northern Skies

This band have been around for a while but they really have pulled out something special with Northern Skies. The lyrics are obscure but it’s reflective and nostalgic and ultimately just simply beautiful. Let the strings flow over you and take you somewhere else.
Listen Here

Admiral Fallow – Subbuteo

No video for this one – they are still too shiny and new! Another Scottish band with a singer who is able to tease out every trace of emotion from this, a mini-anthem of yearning and childhood (it seems to me).
Listen Here

Aaron – Seeds of Gold

Another French band singing in English. A simple affecting melody and a one-two beat gradually swells into something powerful and epic.
Listen Here

Elizabeth & The Catapult – Thank You For Nothing

Ok ok, I know that this is a more downbeat end to proceedings, but hey, some of the most stunning songs come from artists who hurt, right? And so with this, a song born from a failed relationship. It could almost be a love song in retrospect, until the lyrics gently reveal the hurt-spiked message, particularly in the absolutely crushing refrain “thank you for everything… and thank you for nothing at all”. And boy, what a voice.
Listen Here

Well there we go, you wonderful people, I shall now leave you in peace. Thanks again to Is This Real Life for allowing me the blog space. It has been a pleasure.

See you around.

Hipster Bitch