Well everyone, here is a first look at my shop! Do you like the look of it? I've got an exciting idea for a post coming up, so you'll see much more of it in the coming week! We'll be putting down a new floor and it needs a good clean, but the paintwork is lovely, so really after that it's just the shop-fit that needs looking at (the fun bit!). We spent the morning sitting with a cuppa just taking it all in! It's surreal but suddenly it all feels more tangible and concrete. I wore my 60s mod dress today, it's become a favourite and I think I might have to invest in another one soon! Worn with my trusty ankle boots, vintage silver necklace and moonstone ring. Alos - I've decided that white nails are the way to go. Maybe forever.
My blog seems to be growing and growing lately, I've had a lovely string of such sweet e-mails and some exciting ideas for the future which are by no means in the pipe-line but are at least budding, exciting ideas. I'm amazed at how far the Internet can reach out and the opportunities it can provide. A big thank you to everyone who has been following since the beginning and a big hello to all new readers. My giveaway is now closed and I'll be announcing the winner in the next couple of days! Good luck everyone who entered! Another one to come soon!
Peace and love to you all!