Saturday, January 29, 2011

flower power


 Over 1000 followers baby yeah! Haha, I almost fell off my chair this morning. A huuuuge thank you and welcome to you all. I didn't think I'd make it to 1000 before my current giveaway finished, so in all honesty I don't have one ready. But as soon as my current one finishes I'll hold another one to celebrate! You've got until Midnight on January 31st to enter my 500 followers one - check it out here!

I've spent the day messing around with my sister Rosie, the highlight being when her cat Hamish curled up on her on the sofa - it was so cute. My cat Wink has been sprawled out on a beanbag since about nine and has only just emerged looking sleepy and demanding food with a croaky miaow. I'm a crazy cat lady and such a child/woman. One minute I'm playing with my cat and the next I'm at a solicitors meeting.

This dress is a vintage one, it's actually for the shop *queue sheepish look* but it's totally me. My favourite items are old fashioned floral dresses. I like being barefoot too.

I've got an exciting week ahead, it's not official, but it looks like I might be getting my shop! We've arranged a lease, signed the forms, the whole shabang, now we're waiting til the 1st of Feb for the lease to go through. If any of you have ever leased a house or shop, you'll know how flaky and complicated these things can be, but it's all looking good. Fingers crossed! I haven't wanted to say anything until now in case something goes wrong and it falls through, but I couldn't hold it in any longer! I really hope it all works out. 

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone, check back tomorrow for an exciting, different kind of post! Seeing my followers rise really makes me want to do better!


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