Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vicky's shaking things up around here

Hello everyone. Today is a different kind of post. Myself and Vicky over at Aha Shake Heartbreaker have collaborated over the past week and have decided to feature each other on our blogs. 

 For those of you who don't know her blog, it's full of preppy, cool, vintage finds. She always looks effortlessly stylish and Alexa Chung-esque, just better! She's got a Mulberry Alexa slung casually over her arm, a growing readership fast approaching the 500 mark, not to mention a brand new Sunday feature called "Sunday Morning Sophisticate (n.)" - a post in which she delves into a topic of a readers choice and talks about it in depth. A truly unique post, of which I've not seen on a blog before. A trendsetter in the making, she's got to be one of my favourite bloggers and after speaking to her over the last week or so I can tell you she is a lovely girl.

Here's what I found out about the girl behind the blog:

BM: What inspired you to start blogging?

Vicky: I was a regular reader of a few fashion blogs, and thought blogging would be a great thing to try for myself. I originally planned for my blog to be just about fashion, but it kind of ended up going it’s own way. I think it’s a great way to be somewhat creative as well - something I love doing.

BM: What's you favourite part about blogging?

Vicky: Coming across people who have similar interests to you. But then again, I like having the oppurtunity to appreciate what people do differently, or getting new ideas to try something I might not have thought to do beforehand.  

BM: How would you describe your style?

Vicky: I don’t really know. I end up dressing like a four year-old a lot. But I’d say it’s a bit preppy. A bit vintage. Sometimes a bit grandma. But then with a bit of skanky older brother thrown in for good measure.

BM: Besides Alexa Chung, who are your other style icons?
Vicky: I love Carrie Bradshaw (even if she is a fictitious character), because she has the most amazing wardrobe, and the most fabulous personality. She just makes me want to move to New York, and spend the rest of my life in heels, with a Cosmo in one hand, and a copy of Vogue in another. My boyfriend says I try to often to be like her, so I guess that counts for something.

BM: Where are some of your favourite places to shop?

Vicky: Since moving out, I find I buy most of my things from charity shops, or off eBay. I used to love shopping in vintage shops (but we don’t have any of those here), but I’ve found you can get what you’re looking for - and usually for cheaper - if you have a good rummage in somewhere like Oxfam, or are willing to trawl eBay. As for high street shops, I try and stay clear of Topshop. I can’t deal with loads of people having the same things as me (I never have), I much prefer to have something unique. But then again, I’ve got a lot of stuff from places like H&M and Zara.

BM: What are your five wardrobe essentials?  

Vicky: 1.) My lashings of gold necklaces. It’s safe to say I’m never seen without them. I feel naked if I have less than two on. When I think about it, I don’t actually have that many though. I wear the same ones pretty much over and over. I could really do with some more. 
2.) My black patent loafers. I bought them last year, wore them more than I thought I would, so went back and bought another pair (they’re still brand new in the box in the bottom of my wardrobe). I still live in them, and can imagine I’ll have to pull my new ones out at some point soon. I’d really love a pair of Russell and Bromley loafers, but I’d be really weird about wearing £130 worth of shoes in the rain, just for fear of them melting. I really wouldn’t be able to go outside wearing them. I bet they’d make amazing slippers though.
3.) My oversized oak Mulberry Alexa - obviously. It took me so long to save for it, but I finally have it. I love how it just instantly makes an outfit (no matter what I’m wearing). It’s really bad that it’s in all my outfit posts though. But in my defense, I only have two other bags, and why would I use those when I could use my Alexa?
4.) I probably have too many jumpers. My boyfriend was going through my wardrobe and couldn’t believe how many I had. In my defense, I never used to have any. I find you can wear them pretty much thrown over anything. And they’re perfect for just lounging around the house with a pair of skinnies.  
 5.) I’ve found my faux fur leopard print coat a necessity recently. It keeps me so warm now that it’s all of a sudden like living in the Arctic.  

BM: Any fashionable tips?

Vicky: I try to buy things that I know I can wear for ages, and that will go with a lot of things, rather than just buying on a whim. 

BM: Where do you want to be in ten years time?

Vicky: I’d love to be doing something in fashion, or writing. But then again, doesn’t everyone these days. I know that won’t happen, so as long as I’m happy, I don’t really care. Le boyfriend and I have talked quite a lot about moving somewhere after I finish uni. We’re thinking about either London or New York., just because he’s a bit like ‘you only live once’. So I hope that works out.

BM: What's top of your wish list at the moment? 

Vicky: I’m trying to find the perfect pair of vintage leather trousers. I wear my leather shorts too much. 

BM: If you could get any one thing for Christmas, what would it be?
The navy ‘Rosalind’ dress from Whistles, or the black velvet Louis Vuitton bow heels from this season. I’m also still lusting after the pink swallow print heels from this years’s Miu Miu Spring/Summer collection. But then there’s the whole problem with actually wearing the shoes outside, so the dress would do nicely, please?

Take a look at Vicky's amazing blog, she updates everyday (excellent for those in need of a fashion fix), and she has also interviewed me, so check it out here!