Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Elliott J. Frieze LFW.....


This is the second collection shown at LFW from young british designer Elliott J. Frieze
I just adore everything about the first outfit
It's such a elegant look with the trench coat ,shirt and big hair but mixed with  modern popping bright accents and contrasting blue lipstick
I love the whole -British- lady- who- lunches type feel to the collection
But Elliott has managed to keep it fresh and young by updating the colour palette
Using soft pastel ice cream shades
Also the weightless-ness of the dresses is so beautiful
I love that at first glance they look like really simple styles
But on closer inspection
You see that they are quite loose and have drawings on the inner slip of the dresses
They are like dresses for a day at the races but for the modern women
Elliott's collection has managed to give you beautiful tailoring and classic cuts and styles
But he has given thenm all a twist
Weither it be the colours used or the way the fabric has been cut
This collection is for a new type of british lady
Not the one that wears the Queens tweads
Oh no But for the one that will wear her head scarf and massive sunglasses with an aran cardigan drapped over her elegant dress to go for her afternoon tea!
The one that likes to change things up!
As much as i am not a fan of Olivia Palmero (You may have noticed i just refuse point blank to put her on this blog. In my opion it is not hard to be nice to someone, and to me what i have seen heard of her i just find her downright rude and i really do not like people like that)
I could totally see her rocking that first outfit though, couldn't you?

I am really excitied to see what else Elliott comes up with in his next collection as for a young designer I think he is really talented
I don't know about you ,but i have been really underwhelmed by the majority of shows at LFW
which i found so dissapointing considering how good LFW was in feb
So i always find it so refreshing to see that there is still new designers like Elliott still striving to bring us all something a little bit different!
Check out Elliott's stuff here
Let me know what you think of the collection and if you are a fan?