I don't know about you but whenever i hear about the new 'It Fashionable' drink as much as i know the hype surrounding it will probably be PR generated
I can't help but be desperate to try it, I just jump right on the press bandwagon
I had always been so desperate to try VitaminWater after seeing it being labelled as 'the fashion drink'
seeing it at fashion weeks and being drunk by every model their is
I fell for the press and wanted to see if it was as good as everyone said
But i had never gotten around to getting any,
The places that sold it local to me always ran out as they never got a big supply so i would always just end up buying my normal Evian
That was until the awesome people at Vitaminwater got in touch with me a while ago and offered to send me some of their water, i jumped at the chance and waited for my bottle to arrive
One morning i woke up to a knock on my door and found that i had been delivered not just one bottle to sample the water (which i thought was really generous of them to even give me one free)
But three crates of Vitaminwater, seriously i was so excited
I know its only water but the fact that they were so generous and gave me so many to sample i thought was amazing!
So after sampling all the flavours i declared myself the biggest fan of VitaminWater
It strangely did live up to the hype and i found that the examples on the bottles of when best to drink each flavour actually were spot on.
After exercising i would drink a bottle and i found i was much more energized and less tired than i would normally have been if i had just drunk normal water.
The flavours are really subtle so they don't over power the drink too.
My supply has just ran out and i can't tell you how weird it is not just having an endless amount of it to drink
Especially with all this hot weather i really miss it
Another water that i have been hearing a lot about is SmartWater I'm guessing it's from the same people who make VitaminWater?
I first came to notice it after Jennifer Anistons advert for it
I thought that it sounded like it had some really great benefits
But again i would love to try it to see if it lives up to the hype like Vitaminwater does
Have any of you tried it?
And do you know if they sell it in the UK?
Let me know if you have tried any so called 'fashionable drinks' and if they have lived up to the hype or not?
P.S Has anyone tried the new vitamin water flavour, (pictures above)
Is it nice, it sounds really summery?
P.P.S The voting is now open for the Sarenza competition if you click the icon at the side you can vote for me, which i would love you to do,
Thanks in advance if i get your click!