Samsung Electronics graces it’s Indian gallery with rich featured mobile phone called Samsung Metro 3G. This is the first phone in the Metro series that offers 3G connectivity and access to SNS and IM features. This stylish phone also scores on account of its enhanced multimedia features.
Samsung Metro 3G Features:
* Triband GSM and 3G UMTS handset Attractive Look and Design
* First Samsung Metro series phone with 3G Connectivity.
* 115.2 X 46.7 X 11.9mm and weighs 99g
* Varied range of various social networking sites like YouTube, Flickr, Photobucket, Facebook, Picassa and others.
* Equipped with Chat Messenger
* 3.2 MP camera
* Bluetooth 2.1
* Video player
* Audio player
* FM radio
* up to 16GB Expandable Memory
* support to 9 regional languages
* Battery:900mAh
* Talk Time:Up to 10.3 hours (2G) or 3.2 hours (3G)
The phone comes preloaded with Google applications and allows users to open and read rich text documents and comes equipped with a mobile tracker. The Metro 3G is priced at Rs. 8250 for Indian market.