Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little World of Moscow

Moscow, capital of Russia, one of the largest cities in the world. See an image of this, they show completely different from above Moscow. This is the lowest in the world Moscow.In 1977 a group of authors Artists Maketchikov under the leadership of the famous Soviet artist Efim Maketchika Deshalyta, commissioned by the Soviet Foreign Ministry, created the first and only on the present three-dimensional diorama of the center of Moscow.

Over 300 artists worked on this project. Panorama was originally intended to demonstrate at the National Exhibition of 1977 to the days of the 60 th anniversary of the Soviet Union in America.The model size of 16 meters in width, 9.5 meters deep and 6 meters in height was installed in specially designed isolated a large round room, equipped with sophisticated lighting devices and have an observation deck on the 200-250 people.