Friday, March 26, 2010


(everything thrifted from head to toe except F21 rings/necklace)
vintage rust brown ruffle leather pants, vintage off white lace bib blouse, 90s brown Rampage shoes, vintage sweater smock vest, DIY lace headwrap,  vintage renaissance George Washington purse, black scrunchy socks, vintage bangles/watch/pearls and Forever 21 rings and necklace
It's been a LOOOOOONG week for me. It sucks being car-less! :( I love walking but geez, it's starting to warm up. It also sucks cause Joel's on his business trip for a week. I love that my boyfriend is successful but don't date underwater engineers, they have to travel alot at the beginning of the year. I really miss him! I HATE ALONE TIME, sometimes! Anywho, got these fab leather pants from a lady who's mom passed and used to own a vintage store in the 70s. She didn't have much stuff in my size but these pants and when I saw them I was like AHHHHHHHHHHH, and the angels came down,etc,etc....! Perfect for my skin tone, WOW! Now the purse I found I just couldn't believe it was similar to my other big purse from the floral dress shoot. It was love at first sight. God I LOVE THRIFTING! 
Have to say thank you and HEEEEEEEY to all the new folks. If you want to use my pics in your blog it's OK with me as long as you let me know FIRST and of course POSITIVE. 
Peace, love and vintage!