Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fashion Interview. #6

This is Rianne, a girl from the Netherlands, and oh yes,
she has a great style! From classic, to chic, she can wear

- Why did you start a blog?
I like to a have a view of all my outfits, that’s handful when I don’t know what to wear. So that’s why I started my blog, but I also love to share my outfits and look at other people’s outfits. Now, blogging became a daily thing for me.
- Are you a shopaholic?
Yes, I think I am. Because I spend all my money to clothes and fashion-related things. I love to go shopping, buying new things gives me a happy feeling.
- What's on your wishlist?
That’s a difficult question, because I always have a million things on my wishlist. But something I really like is a nice beige blazer with little black buttons. I also hope to find a taupe coloured blazer, because I love that colour.


- What's your favourite outfit?
Also a hard question hihi, I love chic and classic outfits. So I would go for that! I love to wear dresses and heels, as long as it is feminine.
- What's the hottest trend for you at the moment?
I would say volume-clothes, dresses and tops with shoulder pads and ruches.
- Do you have a special message for the readers?
Wear what you like and always stay true to yourself, because then everybody can look great!

Thanks girl!