Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Marie Claire - The September Issue


All the big September Issues of all the glossy fashion magazines are out this week in the UK
I can't wait to get my hands on them but I have to be honest I have got so bored of all the usual suspects on these big issues and that's why I was so happy when I saw that Marie Claire had put one of my faves Drew Barrymore on the front
I am such a fan of Marie Claire i love the way that it has all the high fashion that Elle has but it also has equal amounts high street as well
And I always think that their editorials are really original and they have great thought-provoking articles rather than those 'I went on holiday a man and came back half animal' you know those crazy annoying real life stories that always seem to appear in magazine around this time of year
I think Drew looks fab on the cover after Nylons disappointing styling of her, I'm sure Marie Claire has brought the goods, I can't wait to have a peek at it, I have purposely not looked at the previews online!

Another reason why I'm so excited about Marie Claire's September issue is because of their free gift
They have teamed up with five of Britain's biggest designers to produce 5 exclusive tote bags
Which use patterns from the designers runway shows
The designers taken part are-
 Alice Temperley,
 Clements Ribeiro,
William Tempest,
PPQ and
Felder Felder

Here are the bags-


My favourite is the PPQ one it's just really pretty
But they all look great!

As an added bonus Marie Claire are also doing a big giveaway on their blog
Where Marie Claire will be celebrating the designers every day from 9th to 14th August with exclusive competitions on and marieclaire’s facebook page.
Is it in the bag?
asks readers to post pictures of themselves with one of the five designer bags.
 Marie Claire will choose the 10 most stylish readers and facebook fans then you can vote for your favourite to win the designer goodies that day

Some of the prizes are-
-William Tempest T shirt and a goodie bag

-Felder Felder 2 Cuffs and 2 Belts
-PPQ Dress
-Alice by Temperly Coat, T Shirt and Scarf
-Clements Riberio Dress & t shirt
The Total Price Value is over £3500

These are my favourite they are the cuffs, so pretty I would so be rocking them with some summer florals!


So to keep up to date with the giveaway keep an eye on Marie Claire's Facebook and Website
I will definitely be entering
Will you?
Let me know which bag is your favourite?
And which other magazines September Issues you have got so far?